The next day washed it off using these products and only applied a tiny bit of oil to the mid to bottom lengths like it says to do and dried hair with a hairdryer and it does feel alot softer and also my hair doesn't become as greasy quickly, so I find I'm not needing to wash my hair every other day like I would before.
بالإضافة إلى أنني أحب رائحته.
I just wish the shampoo came in a pump bottle like the conditioner, and that the bottles were bigger.
كما إنّ محتوى زيت جوز الهند من المعادن والفيتامينات والأحماض الأمينية يجعله مفيداً للتخلص من القشرة التي تتجمع على الشعر بالإضافة إلى تنشيط الدورة الدموية في فروة الرأس.