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World Coffee Alliance (WCA) Announces Keynote, Inspirational Speaker, Event Partners and Confirmed Panel Speakers at WCA Cross Talk Series

Alliance coffee Nestle paying

Alliance Aims to Improve Livelihoods for Coffee Farmers, Protect Endangered Gorillas

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Alliance Aims to Improve Livelihoods for Coffee Farmers, Protect Endangered Gorillas

Alliance coffee The Impact

Alliance coffee The Impact

What is Rainforest Alliance Coffee and is it worth it?

Does Rainforest Alliance Coffee Taste Better? Coffee flowers are small, white and fragrant, helping to attract pollinating insects.

  • It was co-founded in the mid 1980s by Daniel Katz, an American environmental activist, who sought to create a global programme to monitor, evaluate, certify, and audit forests.


The initiative will build the entrepreneurial skills of young and Indigenous people, particularly in non-farming households, so they can start environmentally sustainable businesses.

  • Building on years of close collaboration with local farmers, we will help Kivu to build its reputation for exceptional coffee and make a real difference to long-term farmer revenues.

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