و توفر أمانة الإيداع للجنة كافة التسهيلات الإدارية اللازمة لتأدية مهامها.
المــادة 42: مستقلو الطائرات 1- لا يجوز أن يكون أي شخص هابط بالمظلة من طائرة مكروبة محلاً للهجوم أثناء هبوطه.
At the time, Nicaragua was an extremely important transit point between the western and eastern United States as in the days before the Panama Canal and transcontinental railroad, ships from eastern United States would sail up the San Juan river to , where passengers and goods were unloaded at the port of Rivas and then made the short journey via stagecoach to the Pacific coast, to be loaded onto ships that would take them to the west coast of the United States.
Russia has deployed mercenaries in the.